
学生校友会的三位创始人, L-R, 凯蒂·斯科特13岁, 泰勒·金, 还有13岁的雪莉·利·莱西

Leading givers to 十大菠菜靠谱平台的大学 b和 together in giving clubs that boost the Huntingdon Fund 和 planned giving initiatives. 今天就加入这些捐赠俱乐部!

了解更多关于这些捐赠团体的信息, 联系学院和校友关系办公室 alumni@hawks.十大菠菜靠谱平台.edu or (334) 833-4528.


还有一美元的礼物,在一个财政年度内,收入达到或超过5,000美元, Huntingdon friends 和 alumni may become members of the College’s prestigious giving club, 十大菠菜靠谱平台协会. Membership privileges include invitations 和 preferred seating for College events, as well as the satisfaction of being in the lead giving group committed to moving the College forward into the future. To learn more, 联系学院和校友关系办公室 (334) 833-4566.


十大菠菜靠谱平台最精英的捐赠团体, 那些拥有十大菠菜靠谱平台伯爵夫人勋章的人, 是否提供了75美元的终身礼物,到十大菠菜靠谱平台学习.  This group includes staff, former faculty, alumni, friends, corporations, 和 基金会.  Huntingdon extends sincere thanks to the members of the Order of the Countess of Huntingdon for their generosity 和 support in achieving our goals as a liberal arts college of the United Methodist Church.


约翰·梅西遗产协会 was organized in 1993 to recognize individuals who have been instrumental in providing for the long-term financial security of 十大菠菜靠谱平台的大学. 这个学会是以纪念Dr. 约翰·梅西, Huntingdon’s president from 1896 to 1909 who was instrumental in the College’s move from its beginnings in Tuskegee to the capital city of Montgomery. Membership in the Heritage Society is awarded to those who have notified the College that they have included Huntingdon as a direct beneficiary in an estate plan. 会员的名字被印在鲜花厅的捐赠牌匾上. If you have planned an estate or life income gift to benefit 十大菠菜靠谱平台的大学, we would be honored to add you to the rolls of the 约翰·梅西 Heritage Society. 有关加入本协会的更多资料, please 联系学院和校友关系办公室 (334) 833-4563.


每年, the Huntingdon Fund receives a boost from those who dedicate their working lives to the College—faculty 和 staff. 通过学院 & 员工活动, members of the Huntingdon family give back to the College in a way that shows their belief in the mission 和 motto as the College moves toward its goals. 通过这次活动, faculty 和 staff demonstrate that “the success of every student is the focus of everything we do.”


校友 giving is the most important measure of alumni support for the College. 许多公司, 基金会, 和 other potential donors consider alumni giving when determining which institutions to support. Therefore, alumni gifts are catalysts for recognition 和 for other gifts.

Huntingdon has achieved alumni giving rates of 30% or higher consistently in recent years. 为了给学院打开新的收入之门, 请帮助我们增加校友捐款的比例. Express your commitment to the College’s future through your gift to the Huntingdon Fund 和 to your class’ giving efforts. Individual contributors are acknowledged by class year in the Donor Report section of 十大菠菜靠谱平台杂志,每年12月出版.


猩红和灰圈 was created for loyal students 和 alumni who want to preserve the Huntingdon experience for future generations of students. By joining the Circle, students 和 alumni pledge to do three things:

  • 做学院的终身大使
  • 鼓励未来的学生参加十大菠菜靠谱平台
  • 每年向学院捐赠一份礼物

There is no dollar requirement for your annual gift; rather, the Scarlet 和 Grey Circle celebrates the act of giving back to the College each 和 every year.

Having a large number of Huntingdon alumni who are willing to pledge a lifetime commitment to the College speaks volumes to 基金会 和 other major donors who evaluate colleges 和 universities based on their alumni giving percentages. 你对十大菠菜靠谱平台的忠诚对学院很重要. We truly hope membership in the Scarlet 和 Grey Circle provides a vehicle by which to demonstrate your unending commitment to Huntingdon.


2012-2013学年, three loyal Huntingdon students who were varsity cheerleaders became cheerleaders for a wider cause: rallying their fellow students to give to the College 和 to pledge their loyalty by joining the Student 校友 Association. 在SAA成立的第一年,有超过145名学生加入. We invite current students to demonstrate their love for Huntingdon by joining the Student 校友 Association today! 请参阅学院和校友关系办公室了解更多信息.
