
  1. 如果你在里面 威尔逊建立, you should remain in the building 和 proceed immediately to the first floor, 靠墙而坐, 远离Windows.
  2. 如果你在里面 罗素食堂, you should proceed to the long hallway of the Dining Hall. 
  3. 如果你在里面 维修车间, you should remain in the building, 远离Windows. 
  4. 如果你在里面 普拉特大厅, you should remain in the building 和 proceed to the 1st floor hallway, 远离Windows. 
  5. 如果你在里面 杰克逊家里, you should remain in the building 和 proceed to the Basement, 远离Windows. 
  6. 如果你在里面 瑟西大厅, you should remain in the building 和 proceed to the Searcy Basement, 远离Windows. 
  7. 如果你在里面 布朗特大厅, you should remain in the building 和 proceed to the first floor, 靠墙而坐 (east 和 west wings), 远离Windows. 
  8. 如果你在 Bellingrath大厅, you should remain in the building 和 proceed immediately to the basement at this location, 远离Windows. 
  9. 如果你在里面 鲜花大厅, you should remain in the building 和 proceed to the basement of this building (east 和 west wings) or sit along the first floor hallway, 远离Windows. 
  10. 如果你在里面 史密斯建筑, you should remain in the building 和 proceed to first floor hallway, 远离Windows. 
  11. 如果你在里面 霍顿图书馆, you should remain in the building 和 proceed to the basement of this location, 远离Windows. 
  12. 如果你在里面 小屋, you should remain inside the building 和 proceed to a central area where there are no windows. 
  13. 如果你在里面 罗兰学生中心, you should remain in the building 和 proceed to the basement of this location, 远离Windows. 
  14. 如果你在里面 利贡大厅, you should remain in the building 和 proceed to the first floor hallway of this location, 远离Windows. 
  15. 如果你在 棒球场, you should proceed to Rol和 basement, 远离Windows. 
  16. 如果你在 网球场 or the outside basketball court you should proceed to the Rol和 basement or first floor of 利贡大厅 和 sit along the wall of the first floor, 远离Windows. 
  17. 如果你在 足球场, you should proceed to 利贡大厅 和 sit along the wall of the first floor, 远离Windows. 
  18. 如果你在 总统的家, you should remain inside the residence 和 proceed to the first floor 和 sit along the walls, 远离Windows. 
  19. 如果你在 威尔逊的健身房, you should proceed to the basement, 远离Windows. 
  20. 如果你在 足球场, you should proceed to the 威尔逊的健身房 basement or the 足球场大楼, 远离Windows. 
  21. 如果你在 足球场大楼, you should remain at this location 和 sit along the walls, 远离Windows. 
  22. 如果你在 克洛弗代尔的主楼, you should remain in the building 和 go to the first floor hallway 和 sit along the walls, 远离Windows. 
  23. 如果你在 Weil中心, you should remain in the building 和 proceed to the hallways 和 sit along the walls, 远离Windows. 
  24. 如果你在 摔跤复杂 or 在Cloverdale的Pro-Impact, you should sit along the walls, 远离Windows. 
  25. 如果你是 around the main campus or the Cloverdale Campus, you should seek shelter immediately at any one of the above named locations, 远离Windows. 
  26. 如果你在 特林布尔公寓大楼, seek shelter on the first floor hallway. 
  27. 如果你在其中一个 学院自有房屋, go to the inside hallway or bathroom, 远离Windows.
  28. 如果你在 红与灰书店 you should remain in the building 和 sit along the walls, 远离Windows. 
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